Transformation begins here

i believe we can reclaim Motherhood as a Magical Rebirth. are you ready to dive in?

Dr Chelsea Todd
Motherhood Coach + Burnout Specialist

Sacred Space Holder for Motherhood: A Magical Rebirth

Hey, I'm Chelsea Todd

Coach, Intuitive Guide, Burnout Specialist, Matrescence Educator, Yoga Teacher and Mother. 

I'm here to Mother the Mother.

My approach integrates the head and the heart. Science and Soul.

My work builds on over 20 years of experience spanning Tertiary Education, Research, Community Services, psychology qualifications, and ongoing personal and professional development.

Warm and nurturing, like the mylk and honey to your cacao, my coaching program is a place where all parts of you are witnessed and held. Your joy, grief, light, and dark.

My superpowers are deeply seeing you, creating safety for pain to unearth and alchemise, and guiding you to your magic.  

Divinely held and intuitively guided, you will emerge from working with me with greater self-compassion, strength, trust, alignment, grace and a deeply sacred connection to yourself and your world.

I’m here for you, Mama.

What is Matrescence?

The moment you conceived your baby, your entire life shifted from “me” to “we.” Forever.


There’s so much love. Yet, you mourn for your old life. And at the same time, your priorities have changed.

You give so much. Yet, it’s so easy not to feel enough.

Postpartum is forever.

Uncomfortable. Sometimes painful. But ultimately magical. Becoming a Mother is about rebirthing a new you as you grow with your children.

It never stops.

A metamorphosis between the disappearing Maiden and the materialising Mother. Some parts dissolve. New, spectacular aspects emerge. 

As a Mother, you will shift and stretch and break and evolve on seven levels over and over again.

Physical, hormonal, emotional, social, cultural, economic and spiritual.

There’s a word for this experience.

Matrescence. The transition to becoming a Mother.

This isn’t a life sentence to burnout, overwhelmstress, resentment, and losing your sense of self – even if Motherhood feels like that right now.

This is an invitation to meet parts of yourself otherwise unknown. To choose the colour, ingredients and method for your life. And live the fullness of it all.

Work with me

1:1 Bespoke Package

For the soul seeking to be truly seen, nurtured and intuitively guided through Motherhood as a Magical Rebirth. A transformational deep dive to identify and navigate the identity shifts of Mother-becoming. I create the safety and space for your to unearth your story and rekindle your Magic.

Your Investment: $2222

Work with mE

1:1 Guidance Session

A nurturing dip into your Motherhood experience. For the soul seeking to understand the identity shift of Matrescence or gain clarity about a specific area.

Your Investment: $155

Group Offerings

Yoga Circles

A black and white image of a Mother and young child outdoors

Sacred Spaces (online and in-person) weaving a Magic Tapestry of Matrescence, Yoga, and Meditation. Restore and renew. Connect with yourself and other Mamas. Find clarity and ignite your Magic.

Work with me 1:1

Intuitive Guidance

A Sacred Space to open the Heart (Anahata Chakra) and connect mind, body and spirit.

Group Offerings

Seasonal Events

Magical Women's Circles, Gatherings and Sacred Spaces to honour rituals, cycles and seasons. A place to be nurtured, nourished and remember your magic.

Hey Mama! A Magical Portal Awaits…

kind words

Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama

Chelsea radiates power, love, knowledge and positivity.

Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama
Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama

Chelsea radiates power, love, knowledge and positivity.

Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama
Cyndi ~ Mama of 4 + Small Business Owner, Mildura, VIC

Chelsea has the most magical energy

Cyndi ~ Mama of 4 + Small Business Owner, Mildura, VIC
Irina ~ Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia

Your guidance is one of a kind. And all I could feel was this pure joy, safety and warmth.

Irina ~ Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia
Kimberly ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea has a beautiful, calming energy and is an intuitive, spiritual guide.

Kimberly ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia

Chelsea has a beautiful, calming energy and I felt safe to let go and be held in her space. Certainly recommended.

Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia
Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea is passionate and a wonderful advocate for women and those who can’t advocate for themselves. I have no doubt that she will be of great assistance to others making the tumultuous transition to Motherhood and the incredible, challenging, love filled and stressful times it brings.

Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Megan ~ Mama, Educator + Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia

Thank you so much Chelsea! I will definitely be coming to the next one, I am hooked! I literally danced all the way home and am so interested to know more and delve even deeper.

Megan ~ Mama, Educator + Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia
Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea is passionate and a wonderful advocate for women and those who can’t advocate for themselves. I have no doubt that she will be of great assistance to others making the tumultuous transition to Motherhood and the incredible, challenging, love filled and stressful times it brings.

Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea is incredibly insightful and her genuine and caring nature makes her joy to speak with. Chelsea helped me during a challenging time facing infertility, with her kindness and insight bringing light during dark days. She provided practical strategies to manage the huge and uncomfortable feelings along with helpful resources.

Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia

I attended a beautiful half day Recharge retreat with Chelsea. She has a beautiful, calming energy and I felt safe to let go and be held in her space. I’m looking forward to attending more offerings in the future. Certainly recommended.

Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia

Read the journal

Motherhood Musings… poured from the mind, heart and soul

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December 27, 2022

Matrescence: the birth of a mother

Cacao ceremony

Matrescence: the birth of a mother

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October 4, 2022

Weaving together a magic tapestry


Weaving together a magic tapestry

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March 9, 2022

A sacred space to restore and renew


A sacred space to restore and renew

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February 13, 2022

Unearth and ignite your magic


Unearth and ignite your magic

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September 24, 2021

The myth of the ‘good mother'

Cacao ceremony

The myth of the ‘good mother'

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Podcast episode xyz

Cacao ceremony

Podcast episode xyz

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Gather + Mother

Weaving Motherhood Stories, Science and Soul

Listen to the Gather + Mother Podcast

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