About Chelsea

Intuitive Guide and Space Holder

Dr Chelsea Todd
Matrescence Guide

I’m here to lead a new way

Coach. Guide. Space Holder.

I’m here for Women + Mothers who crave to be deeply seen, nurtured and supported through the seasons and identify changes of Motherhood… from navigating infertility and pregnancy, to postpartum, managing career and Motherhood, and navigating relationship changes.

I was super prepared for birth...but not my Rebirth!

My PhD in stress and burnout couldn’t prepare me for the emotional exhaustion of trying to conceive, pregnancy loss, IVF and Motherhood. 

Running a Marathon was a walk in the park compared to the physical exhaustion of Mothering a delightfully energetic toddler and colicky Koala baby (hellooo sleep deprivation and post natal depletion!).

I found the key to a new way. Let's create a world where women are seen, valued and supported in homes, workplaces and communities.

My greatest teachers are my children

But here’s my swag of credentials if this interests you…

  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), Flinders University 
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Occupational Stress and Burnout), School of Medicine, Flinders University
  • Advanced Leadership Program (Women and Leadership Victoria)
  • Mama RisingTM Facilitator (International Coaching Federation Accredited) 
  • Yoga Teacher Training (200 Hour Traditional Hatha, 50 Hour Yoga of Birth)
  • Motherhood Studies CertificationTM (in progress)
  • Ayurveda Goddess Certification (in progress)
  • Cacao Ceremonialist Training (100 Hour)
Dr Chelsea Todd
Matrescence Guide

A World where Mothers are Nurtured, Connected and Revered.

Nurturing the transformational journey into conscious Motherhood

I’m on a mission to empower Soul-of-the-Earth Mothers and aspiring Mothers to reconnect and reclaim their authenticity and evolving identity through the unique lens of Matrescence, psychology and energetics. 

My superpower is providing a space where you feel deeply seen, nurtured and supported. I see your light and dark, divine magic and shadows. I weave together head and heart wisdom to reconnect you with self-kindness, values, strength, trust, grace and a deep inner connection. 

‘Motherhood: A Magical Rebirth’ is a Transformational, co-created experience to Redefine, rediscover and reclaim the Woman and Mother you desire to be :

  • Understand Matrescence: The Birth of a Mother 
  • Understand the myth of the ‘good mother’ and ‘successful woman’
  • Feel seen, heard, nurtured in your unique Matrescence
  • Understand the ‘Anger-Guilt’ trap
  • Ignite self-compassion
  • Build strength, trust and grace to Mother your way
  • Integrate practical strategies to anchor, align and ascend 
  • Connect with and awaken the Woman and Mother YOU desire to be

kind words

Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama

Chelsea radiates power, love, knowledge and positivity.

Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama
Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama

Chelsea radiates power, love, knowledge and positivity.

Terri ~ Small Biz Owner + Dog-Mama
Cyndi ~ Mama of 4 + Small Business Owner, Mildura, VIC

Chelsea has the most magical energy

Cyndi ~ Mama of 4 + Small Business Owner, Mildura, VIC
Irina ~ Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia

Your guidance is one of a kind. And all I could feel was this pure joy, safety and warmth.

Irina ~ Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia
Kimberly ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea has a beautiful, calming energy and is an intuitive, spiritual guide.

Kimberly ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia

Chelsea has a beautiful, calming energy and I felt safe to let go and be held in her space. Certainly recommended.

Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia
Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea is passionate and a wonderful advocate for women and those who can’t advocate for themselves. I have no doubt that she will be of great assistance to others making the tumultuous transition to Motherhood and the incredible, challenging, love filled and stressful times it brings.

Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Megan ~ Mama, Educator + Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia

Thank you so much Chelsea! I will definitely be coming to the next one, I am hooked! I literally danced all the way home and am so interested to know more and delve even deeper.

Megan ~ Mama, Educator + Yoga Teacher, VIC, Australia
Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea is passionate and a wonderful advocate for women and those who can’t advocate for themselves. I have no doubt that she will be of great assistance to others making the tumultuous transition to Motherhood and the incredible, challenging, love filled and stressful times it brings.

Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia

Chelsea is incredibly insightful and her genuine and caring nature makes her joy to speak with. Chelsea helped me during a challenging time facing infertility, with her kindness and insight bringing light during dark days. She provided practical strategies to manage the huge and uncomfortable feelings along with helpful resources.

Elleen ~ Mama of 2, VIC, Australia
Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia

I attended a beautiful half day Recharge retreat with Chelsea. She has a beautiful, calming energy and I felt safe to let go and be held in her space. I’m looking forward to attending more offerings in the future. Certainly recommended.

Natasha ~ Mama of 3 + Yoga Teacher, NSW, Australia

Work with me

1:1 Bespoke Package

For the soul seeking to be truly seen, nurtured and intuitively guided through Motherhood as a Magical Rebirth. A transformational deep dive to identify and navigate the identity shifts of Matrescence, unearth and ignite your Magic, and awaken the Woman and Mother you desire to be. 

Your Investment: $1555

Work with mE

1:1 Guidance Session

A nurturing dip into your Motherhood experience. For the soul seeking to understand the identity shift of Matrescence or gain clarity about a specific area.

Your Investment: $155

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